Boris Shneyer and Sanne Remmelzwaal are discussing microtubule nucleation in differentiated primary muscle cells.
Primary tasks:
- Confocal microscopy
- 3D imaging
- SuperResolution
Microscope: inverted Axio Observer 7 SP with Definite Focus 2 (Zeiss, Germany)
Stage: scanning stage 130×100 STEP Set LSM (Märzhäuser, Germany)
Piezo-Z: inlegframe Z-piezo WSB 500 Universal (Märzhäuser, Germany)
Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 WD=0.55mm, Air (Zeiss, Germany)
Plan-Apochromat 25x/0.8 WD=0.57mm, Water, Oil or Gly Immersion (Zeiss, Germany)
Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.2 WD=0.49mm, Oil or Gly Immersion (Zeiss, Germany)
C-Apochromat 63x/1.15, WD=0.60mm, Water Immersion (Zeiss, Germany)
Alpha Plan-APO 100x/1.46 WD=0.10mm, Oil Immersion (Zeiss, Germany)
Light source (laser lines): 405nm, Laser Argon Multiline (445/488/514), 561nm and 633 nm (Laser Rack LSM880) (Zeiss, Germany)
Light source (epifluorescence): HXP120V (Zeiss, Germany)
Spectral detector three multialkali PMT (MA-PMT) (Scan module LSM880, Zeiss, Germany)
AiryScan detector (Airyscan module for LSM, Zeiss, Germany)
DIC: available
Temperature control and CO2: S1 (Pecon, Germany)
Software: ZEN black v2.3 (Zeiss, Germany)
Installation: 2018
Location: O-518
Contact Person: Ruben Schmidt / Ilya Grigoriev