Best teacher prize

During the annual “Biology is everywhere” symposium of this year the award (“pluim”) for best teacher of the Biology department was awarded to Laurens van Meeteren.

Margot Koster, programme director of the biology bachelor:

“The teacher “pluim” of this year goes to Laurens van Meeteren. Laurens coordinates many courses, such as the molecular cell biology course for the first year students, the level 2 course De Cel, the level 3 course Molecular Cell Research courses, but also courses for molecular life science students and biomedical students. The courses are always very well evaluated by the students. They describe Laurens as enthusiastic, explaining very clearly and a teacher that can motivate students. But Laurens is not only a good teacher, he is also very important for innovation in education. He makes video’s, uses different teaching methods, such as flipped class room or team-based learning, he is member of the Docentencommunity “Blended Learning in de Bèta-opleidingen and has co-organized the beta-onderwijsmiddag, just to mention a few of the many things he does. Innovation in education is very important, but it also costs a lot of time. So therefore, we want to thank Laurens for all the work he does and all the spare time that he sacrifices to do what he finds important for his teaching. Therefore, he receives the teacher pluim 2018.”

Laurens van Meeteren

Posted in Grant & Award News, News